Thursday 12 June 2008

Paulina Rubio - Rubio Forced To Sit Down With Snapper She Beat Up

Latino pop superstar PAULINA RUBIO's 37th birthday plans have been ruined by a court decision she must pay a photographer she beat up in Miami, Florida.

A city judge has assigned a mediator to the case between the singer and paparazzo Luz Amanda Orozco, insisting Rubio must come to an agreement with the snapper.

Rubio, who turns 37 next week (beg16Jun08), reportedly lashed out at Orozco when she spotted her trying to take pictures and then refused to pay the photographer the money she asked for when she filed a lawsuit against the singer.

Orozco is demanding $500,000 (GBP250,000) in injuries and damages incurred in the 2006 fight, according to

Rubio has denied all the accusations, even though she can clearly be seen fighting with the snapper. And she claims she was physically abused by another photographer at the scene.

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